torek, 26. maj 2015

Masleni rogljički - Croissants

Že dolgo časa sem si želela narediti domače maslene rogljičke in zato sem se odločila, da jih ob prvi priložnosti, ko bom imela malo več časa obvezno naredim. In tako mi jih je med prvomajskimi počitnicami vendarle uspelo narediti. Razlog zakaj sem tako dolgo čakala, da jih naredim je ta, ker se mislila, da vzamejo morda kar preveč časa, vendar ko sem se jih lotila, sem ugotovila, da pravzaprav niso tako zapleteni in če se pravilno organiziraš, tudi tako zamudni niso. In čeprav vseeno vzamejo kar nekaj časa za pripravo in veliko več truda, kot če bi jih kupili v trgovini, so domači rogljički vredni vsake vložene minute in kapljice znoja. Naredila sem jih po receptu temu iz youtube-a, ki sem ga malo priredila in uspeli so mi zares čudovito. Če vam bo spodnji opis postopka povzročal težave vam absolutno priporočam ogled tega posnetka ali katerega drugega, za lažjo predstavo. 
P.S. Če želite jesti rogljiče v nedeljo za zajtrk se priprave lotite v petek popoldne ali v soboto zjutraj.

(približno 12 rogljičkov)

  • 125ml tople vode
  • 125ml toplega mleka
  • 50g sladkorja
  • 42g svežega kvasa ali 2 vrečki (7g) suhega kvasa
  • 500g gladke moke
  • 12g soli
  • 100g + 250g masla
  • 1 jajce
  • Najprej zmešamo vodo, mleko, sladkor in kvas ter pustimo približno 5 minut, da se kvas razpusti in da malo vzhaja. 
  • V posodo presejemo moko in sol ter na sredini naredimo jamico, v katero prelijemo zmes s kvasom. Dodamo še zmehčanih 100g masla in zgnetemo testo (lahko na roke ali na mešalniku). Gnetemo približno 5-10 min, oziroma dokler testo ne postane mehko in prožno. Prestavimo ga v pomokano posodo in pustimo, da vzhaja na toplem prostoru približno 2 uri oziroma dokler se ni povečal za dvakrat.
  • Ko je testo vzhajalo, ga prestavimo na rahlo pomokano delovno površino in z rokami potlačimo in prepognemo po dolžini do dveh tretjin in tretjino preko prepognjenega testa ter zopet enako iz druge strani (za lažje razumevanje glej video v opisu ali spodnjo sliko). Testo zavijemo v folijo za živila in ga postavimo v hladilnik za vsaj 4 ure (če ste se jih lotili v soboto) ali čez noč (če ste se jih lotili v petek popoldne). 
  • Ko testo počiva, lahko pripravimo ploščico masla. Najlažje je, če ga pustimo nekaj časa na sobni temperaturi, ga nato narežemo na koščke in prestavimo v plastično vrečko ter oblikujemo ploščico velikosti 18x20 cm. Ko smo jo oblikovali, jo postavimo za eno uro v hladilnik oziroma dokler je ne potrebujemo.
  • Ko je testo vzhajano, ga vzamemo iz hladilnika in prav tako pa iz hladilnika vzamemo tudi maslo. Testo razvaljamo na pravokotnik velikosti 38x43 cm in nanj postavimo maslo ter spojimo stranice. 
  • Testo nato razvaljamo na pravokotnik velikosti 20x60 cm in ga prepognemo po dolžini do dveh tretjin in preostalo tretjino do tam kjer smo prepognili prvo konico testa ter nato prepognemo po polovici. To se imenuje "double turn".
  • Testo nato zopet razvaljamo na velikost 20x60 cm in prepognemo polovico testa do sredine in preostalo polovico čez prepognjeno. To pa se imenuje "simple turn". 
  • Zatem postavimo testo v hladilnik za eno uro.
  • Testo postavimo iz hladilnika in ga prerežemo na pol. Polovico postavimo nazaj v hladilnik, drugo polovico pa razvaljamo na pravokotni 23x46 cm, iz katerega nato izrežemo približno 6 trikotnikov, odvisno kako velike rogljičke želimo. Trikotnike nato zvijemo v rogljičke in jih prestavimo na peki papir. Enako storimo s preostalo polovico. Na tej točki lahko s pripravo prenehamo in damo rogljičke v skrinjo ali pa jih pustimo vzhajati.
  • Jajce stepemo z malo mleka ali vode in z njim premažemo rogljičke. Rogljički naj nato vzhajajo 3 ure (če ste se jih lotili v petek popoldne) ali čez noč (če ste se jih lotili v soboto zjutraj).
  • Pečico segrejemo na 200° C. Rogljičke zopet premažemo s stepenim jajcem in jih pečemo 10 minut na 200° C in nadaljnjih 15 min na 180° C.

English version

I've been wanting to make croissants for a very long time now and during the school holidays I've finally managed to find the time to make them. I always thouht that making my own croissants would take absolutly too much time, but now that I've made them I realizeed that they aren't as time consuming and complicated as I thought. And even though they do take some time to make they are without a doubt worth every minute of efford you put into them. I chose this recipe from youtube and they were absolutly wonderful. I recommend watching this video or any other video describing the procedure, just so you can get a better idea of how to turn the dough.
P.S. If you want to make croissants you should start making them a day and a half or two days ahead.

  • 125ml warm water
  • 125ml warm milk
  • 50g sugar
  • 42g fresh yeast or 2 packs (7g) dry yeast
  • 500g bread flour
  • 12g salt
  • 100g +250g butter
  • Combine the water, milk, sugar and yeast. Mix well and leave the mixture for 5 minutes, so that the yeast can activate.
  • Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl add the yeast mixture, salt and 100g of butter. Knead the dough for about 5-10 minutes or until it becomes soft and elastic (you can use a mixer or your hands). Flour the dough and cover it with plastic foil and let it rise for 2 hours or until it has doubled in size.  
  • When the dough has risen transfer it onto a floured work surface and pat it down a bit. Fold the dough length wise up to the two third of the dough and then the remaining third of the dough over the folded one. And then do the same from the other side (watch the video for an easier understanding of this step). Wrap the dough in foil and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (if you started making them a day and a half ahead) or overnight.
  • Now you can prepare the slob of butter. The best way to do this is to cut the butter into smaller pieces and leave them at room temperature for about an hour. Then transfer them into a plastic bag and form a 7x8 inch rectangle. Then refrigerate the butter until needed.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out into 8x15 inch rectangle and place the butter on one half and fold over the other half of the dough and seal the edges. Then roll out a 8x24 inch rectangle. When you have reached the perfect size, fold the dough length wise up to two thirds and the remaining third up to the folded dough. Then readjust the thickness of the dough and fold in half. This is called a double turn.
  • Roll the dough again into a 8x24 inch rectangle and fold one third of the dough up to two thirds and the remaining third over the folded dough. This is called a simple turn.
  • Refrigerate the dough for one hour. 
  • Meanwhile prepare the egg wash. Whisk the egg with a bit of water or milk and that's it.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut it in half. Put one of the halves back to the refrigerator and roll out the other one into a 9x18 inch rectangle and cut it into 6 triangles then roll the triangles into croissants and put them on a baking sheet and brush the croissants with egg wash. Repeat the same steps with the other half of the dough. At this point you can freeze the croissants or continue with the preparation.
  • Let the croissants rise for 3 hours (or overnight if you started making them a day and a half ahead) and then brush them with egg wash again before baking. 
  • Preheat your oven to 200° C. Bake the croissants for 10 minutes on 200° C an for another 15 minutes on 180° C. 

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