Sezona jagod je v polnem teku in z njo tudi sezona jagodnih slaščic. Ta sočna in okusna tortica je zares preprosta in hitro pripravljena, zato je to odličen recept za sladico za med tednom. Torto lahko seveda naredite tudi s kakšnim drugim sezonskim sadjem, v biskvit pa lahko dodate tudi kakšne oreščke ali kokos. Recept je malo prirejen po receptu Jamieja Oliverja, njegov recept pa si lahko ogledate tukaj.
(za torto premera 26cm)
- 200g sladkorja
- 200g masla
- 200g moke
- 3 jajca
- 1 jedilna žlica pecilnega praška
- 3 jedilne žlice kakava (zmešanega s 5 žlicami vode)
- ščepec soli
- 200ml sladke smetane
- 200g maskarponeja
- 50g sladkorja
- 250g jagod
- sok 1 limone
- 1dcl mleka
- 150g čokolade
- 150ml sladke smetane
- 50g masla
- Najprej prižgemo pečico na 180° C.
- Penasto umešamo sladkor in maslo. Mešanici dodamo rumenjake, moko, pecilni prašek in raztopljen kakav in premešamo v homogeno zmes.
- Beljake stepemo s ščepcem soli v sneg, ki ga vmešamo v čokoladno zmes v dveh korakih.
- Zmes prestavimo v namaščen pekač in pečemo približno pol ure, če je biskvit pečen preverimo z zobotrebcem - če na zobotrebcu ni vlažne zmesi, je biskvit pečen. Ko je biskvit pečen, ga vzamemo iz pečice in pustimo, da se ohladi. V tem času pripravimo nadev.
- Opremo in očistimo jagode ter jih narežemo na manjše koščke. Jagode posujemo s sladkorjem in sokom limone ter jih premešamo. Nekaj jagod si lahko prihranimo za stransko okrasitev (približno 10), vendar to ni nujno. Za nadev stepemo sladko smetano in ji nato dodamo maskarpone.
- Ohlajen biskvit prerežemo na pol, če imate raje tanjše plasti pa biskvit prerežite na tri dele. Biskvit navlažimo z malo mleka in sokom, ki so ga spustile jagode. Okoli biskvita nato nastavimo obod in acetatno folijo, na rob pa razporedimo jagode. Na biskvit namažemo približno polovico kreme in z njo zapolnimo tudi prostor med jagodami. Na kremo nato razporedimo narezane koščke jagode, na njih pa še preostanek kreme. Navlažimo še drugo polovico biskvita in z njo prekrijemo kremo. Če ste biskvit prerezali na tri dele, zadnje dva koraka ponovimo še enkrat. Torto nato postavimo v hladilnik za vsaj 2 uri (ali za 1 uro v zamrzovalnik), potem pa jo lahko prelijemo s prelivom.
- Za preliv zavremo sladko smetano in jo prelijemo čez čokolado. Zmes premešamo, da se čokolada raztopi in ji dodamo narezano maslo. Ko se zmes ohladi, jo lahko prelijemo čez torto.
- Torto nato zopet postavimo v hladilnik za 1 uro, nato pa jo lahko postrežemo in uživamo.
English version
The season of strawberries is in full swing and therefore so is the season of strawberry desserts. This moist and delicious cake is very easy and quick to make so it makes for a great work week dessert. You can make it with any berries you like or even some other fruits, or add some nuts or coconut to the cake batter. You can find the original recipe here, but this recipe is a bit diffrent from the original Jamie Oliver's recipe.
(for a 26cm diameter cake)
Cake batter:
- 200g butter
- 200g sugar
- 200g flour
- 3 eggs
- 1tbs baking powder
- 3tbs cocoa powder (mixed with 5 spoons of water)
- pinch of salt
- 200ml whipping cream
- 200g mascarpone cheese
- 50g sugar
- 250g strawberries
- juice of 1 lemon
- 100ml milk
- 150g chocolate
- 150ml whipping cream
- 50g butter
- Preheat your oven to 180° C.
- Mix the butter and sugar and then add the egg yolks, cocoa powder, flour and baking powder. In a seperate bowl whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt and then add the to the butter mixture in two additions.
- Put the mixture in a buttered cake tin and bake for about 30 minutes. You can check the cake if it's baked with a tooth pick - if it comes out with no raw batter on it, it's baked. Let the cake cool and prepare the filling.
- Slice the strawberries into smaller pieces and put them in a bowl. Add the sugar and lemon juice. If you want you can put side some halfed strawberries for the decoration (about 10 strawberries). In a seperate bowl whip the cream and then add the mascarpone cheese.
- Cut the cake in half or if you preffer into three pieces and moist it with milk and juice from the strawberries. Line the cake with some acetate foil and a tin. Then line the outside of the cake with strawberry halves. Spread half of the filling and the sliced strawberries on the cake and top them with the remaining filling and cake. Refrigerate the cake for about an hour or two or put in a freezer for an hour.
- For the topping bring the cream to a boil and pour it over the chocolate. When the chocolate has melted add the butter and let the mixture cool.
- Remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour the topping over it. Then refrigerate the cake for another hour before serving.
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