ponedeljek, 16. marec 2015

Cimetove rolice - Cinnamon Buns

Cimetove rolice so odlična ideja za pozen zajtrk ali sladko popotnico za na pot. To je recept za prave ljubitelje cimeta in mehkih peciv, ki se kar topijo v ustih. Rolice so seveda najboljše še malo tople, vendar pa vas bodo vseeno počakale že ohlajene naslednji dan, če jih seveda prej ne bo že zmanjkalo. Na recept sem naletela, ko sem iskale ideje za peciva za popotnico za daljše potovanje z avtom in se na koncu tudi odločila, da naredim te prečudovite cimetove rolice.

(za približno 12 rolic)

  • 245ml mleka
  • 75g masla
  • 7g suhega kvasa ali 21g svežega kvasa
  • 100g sladkorja
  • 600g moke
  • 1 žlička soli
  • 3 jajca
  • 220g rjavega sladkorja
  • 3 žlice moke
  • 2 žlici cimeta
  • 130g masla (sobne temperature)
  • 300g mletega sladkorja
  • 60g masla
  • 2 žlici mleka
  • ščepec soli

  • Mleko zavremo in odstavimo. Maslo razrežemo na manjše koščke in ga dodamo mleku ter malo pomešamo, da se maslo razpusti.
  • V posodi zmešamo polovico moke, sladkor, kvas in sol. Dodamo jajca, mešanico masla in mleka ter dobro umešamo. Mešanici postopoma dodajamo preostalo polovico moke po 50g in vmes vedno dobro premešamo. Ko smo dodali vso moko, testo gnetemo še nadaljnjih 5 minut (lahko z mešalcem ali na roke). Ko testo postane mehko in prožno, ga pokrijemo in pustimo počivati 20 minut, vmes pa lahko pripravimo nadev.
  • Vse sestavine za nadev dobro zmešamo in pustimo na sobni temperaturi dokler ga ne potrebujemo.
  • Ko je testo vzhajano, ga razvaljamo na pravokotnik (cca 22cm x 30cm) in enakomerno premažemo z nadevom. Testo zvijemo po dolžini kot rolado in ga narežemo na približno enako velikih 12 rolic. Rolice prestavimo v namaščen pekač ali pekač obložen s papirjem za peko in jih pustimo vzhajati vsaj 5 ur v toplem prostoru ali pa čez noč v hladilniku, v tem primeru je rolice potrebno vzeti iz hladilnika vsaj 1 uro pred peko.
  • Rolice pečemo na 180 ° C približno 20 minut oziroma dokler ne dobijo lepe rjave barve.
  • Ko so rolice pečejo pripravimo preliv, za katerega preprosto umešamo skupaj vse potrebne sestavine. Preliv polijemo na rahlo ohlajene rolice, ki jih postrežemo še tople.

English version

Cinnamon rolls are the perfect idea for brunch or for a snack for the road. This recipe is for all you cinnamon lovers and for those of you who love soft and melt-in-your-mouth goodies. Rolls are best served still a bit warm but they are still delicious the next day if they'll wait that long. I found this recipe while searching for ideas for snackes for a roadtrip and eventualy dicided to bake these cinnamon rolls.

(for about 12 rolls)

  • 245ml milk
  • 75g butter
  • 7g dry yeast
  • 100g sugar
  • 600g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1tsp salt
  • 220g brown sugar
  • 3tbs flour
  • 2tbs ground cinnamon
  • 130g butter (room temperature)
  • 300g confectionars sugar
  • 60g butter
  • 2tbs milk
  • pinch of salt

  • Heat the milk until it bubbles, then remove it from heat. Stir in butter and mix until melted. Let cool a bit.
  • In a mixing bowl combine half the flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Add eggs and the milk and butter mixture. Add the remaining flour 50g at a time ans stirring well after each addition. After incorporating all the flour knead the dough for about 5 minutes. Cover the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • While the dough is resting prepare the filling. Combine and mix all the ingredients for the filling and leave it on room temperature until needed. Roll out the dough into a 9x12 inch (22x30cm) rectangle. Spread the filling on the rolled out dough and roll up the dough from the long end. Cut the dough into 12 equal rolls and place them in a baking tin. Let the rolls rise for at least 5 hours on room temperature or in a refrigerator over night (if you leave them to rise over night, remove the rolls from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before baking).
  •  Preheat oven to 375 degrees F or 180 degrees C. Bake the rolls for 20 minutes or until brown.
  • Meanwhile, whisk together the ingredients for the glaze. Remove rolls from the oven and pour the glaze over them.

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